Mary Frances Stone (birth name)
Born April 26, 1982
Killed by a gunshot wound on November 27, 2001
Assistant at The Glamorama
Cortlandt Manor
Single/Never Been Married
Gwyneth (mother)
Mary Margaret Stone (twin sister)
Vanessa Bennett (maternal aunt)
David Hayward (maternal cousin)
Leo du Pres (maternal cousin)
Ben Shepherd (maternal cousin)
Arabella Carey (maternal first cousin once removed; deceased)
Marissa Tasker (maternal first cousin once removed)
Leora Hayward (maternal first cousin once removed; deceased)
Adam Chandler III (maternal first cousin twice removed)
Bianca Montgomery (dated)
Adam Chandler, Jr. ("heavy petting")
Ran away from home
Sold a story to a tabloid about Erica hitting Frankie with her car [Oct 2001]
Underage drinking [Oct 22, 2001]
Mary Frances Stone appeared in the headlights of Erica's speeding car in late September 2001. Though "Frankie," was grazed by Erica's car, she appeared uninjured. The fact that the young woman had not been injured prompted Erica to think that Frankie had staged the accident in order to con her out of money. Frankie was taken to the hospital, where she was revealed to be in good condition. She later decided not to sue Erica for money. However, she was duped into selling a story of her ordeal to a tabloid by sleazy writer Donald Steele.
Bianca befriended Frankie as a way to do some damage control for her mother, but Erica was not at all thrilled by the fact that Bianca had a new friend. Eventually, Frankie and Bianca grew closer, and Erica's fears that her daughter might act upon her sexual orientation grew. Bianca enlisted Opal's help to get Frankie a job and a place to stay. Frankie, who later revealed that she was a runaway, wasn't quite used to the idea of having a place she could call home.
Bianca befriended Frankie as a way to do some damage control for her mother, but Erica was not at all thrilled by the fact that Bianca had a new friend. Eventually, Frankie and Bianca grew closer... and Erica's fears that her daughter might act upon her sexual orientation grew. Bianca enlisted Opal's help to get Frankie a job and a place to stay. Frankie, who later revealed that she was a runaway, wasn't quite used to the idea of having a place she could call home.
Erica continued to disapprove of her daughter's relationship with Frankie and tried to use Frankie's drug use as a tool to drive a wedge between the two girls. Erica publicly pledged to accept Frankie, but behind the scenes she plotted against her and tried to get Opal to hide a stash of drugs in Frankie's room at Cortlandt Manor. Erica's suspicions may have been justified, as Frankie made occasional mysterious calls to an unknown person to update that person on her progress with Bianca.
Frankie met J.R. Chandler in the park as she smoked marijuana. She and J.R. headed back to her room at Cortlandt Manor and proceeded to get to know each other better under the covers. As they kissed, Bianca walked in on them. Heartbroken, Bianca stormed away. A tearful Frankie placed a call to Erica to tell her what had transpired. Erica was furious and vowed to kill Frankie for breaking Bianca's heart. A matter of hours later, Frankie was dead on the floor of her room... and Erica was seated in a nearby chair with a gun in her hands.
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