* Soap siblings make list of TV's most famous sisters | Soap Central on Soap Central

Soap siblings make list of TV's most famous sisters

Posted Friday, August 10, 2018 4:29:16 AM

Find out which popular soap opera sisters made it onto the Best TV Sisters list alongside sibling duos from Game of Thrones and Full House.

There's nothing in the world better than having a sister -- except perhaps seeing some super soap siblings make the list of TV's best sisters.

In honor of National Sister Day this month, TV Line put together an epic list of famous on-screen sisters. Daytime fans were extremely thrilled to see that some favorites from All My Children and One Life to Live made the list.

Smack in the middle of sister pairs like Arrow's Laurel and Sara Lance; Buffy the Vampire Slayer's Buffy and Dawn; and Full House's DJ, Stephanie, and Michelle comes AMC's Kendall (Alicia Minshew) and Bianca (Eden Riegel), and OLTL's Natalie (Melissa Archer) and Jessica (Bree Williamson).

"A close relationship didn't come easily -- or quickly -- for the envious daughter that Erica Kane [Susan Lucci] gave up for adoption and the one to whom she gave birth years later," the article says about Kendall and Bianca. "But the half-sisters finally connected in the aftermath of Bianca's rape, there was no coming between them. They even engaged in that tried-and-true method of sibling bonding: hiding stuff from Mom -- in their case, Bianca's subsequent pregnancy."

As for Natalie and Jessica, the article states: "If what they say is true and you only hurt the ones you love, Viki's [Erika Slezak] daughters loved one another a whole helluva lot. Maybe because they were raised separately, the fraternal twins never learned to share, so between truces, they reverted to being sibling rivals, fighting bitterly over everything from the lush life that only lucky Jessica got to lead to one Llanview hottie (Seth) after another (Brody)."

Other popular sister pairs that made the list include Roseanne and Jackie from Roseanne; Marge, Patty and Selma from The Simpsons; Tia and Tamera from Sister, Sister; Betty and Hilda from Ugly Betty; Arya and Sansa from Game of Thrones; and more.

To view the complete list, click here, and then let us know if there are more sister pairs from soaps you think deserved to make the list.

What do you think about AMC's Kendall/Bianca and OLTL's Natalie/Jessica making the list of Best TV Sisters? Are there any other sister pairs you feel should have been included? We want to hear from you -- so drop your comments in the Comments section below, tweet about it on Twitter, share it on Facebook, or chat about it on our Message Boards.

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